Not Me! Monday

I have not spent the majority of this past week (5 days and counting) cleaning up after Austin and his terrible stomach virus. 

Before Austin's virus started, I did not begin cleaning his nose {which made him cry} and saw that he had done THIS to his gums earlier in the day...

I am not sad to say that I have no idea how he split open his gum...even though he wasn't more than a few feet away from me all day long.  Since this picture, his gum completely split where you see the dark purple/red color.  It doesn't seem to bother him anymore, but it sure looks gross...even for a Mom {since they are supposed to have tough stomachs when it comes to their baby's boo-boo's}!

I am not physically and emotionally drained right now, frequently fighting to hold back a monsoon of tears.

I am not tired of deep cleaning, only to have Austin throw up again...

I'm not sad that I've had to miss so much this week...including a Sunday School outing, and church!

I'm not praying {very} hard that:

  1. No one else (especially Katie) gets this terrible virus!

  2. Austin doesn't relapse into vomiting anymore, so we can soon get over this and get back to normal.

  3. He gets well quick enough for me to not have to miss our Mission Conference this week, because I have been very excited about going to it each night

I am not trying to get Katie's invitations designed/created/printed, so I can mail them out next week. 

And, last but certainly not least, I am not desperately looking forward to our 5th Honeymoon Trip coming up in less than two weeks!  BOY!  Do I have a lot to do this week!!!


Marsha, I am soooo sorry Austin is still so sick. We are praying for you guys. We miss you guys!! If you need anything please call.
April said…
OH, you poor thing! It's so hard to see our children sick, let alone hurt like that gum situation. OUCH! I hope that heals, and I also hope everyone stays healthy!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I definitely see what you mean with the blog description. Beautiful verse, definitely one of my favorites! When was your little man born? My Jax will be 1 yr in 3 weeks!!
The Gillstraps said…
I hope no one else gets sick!! I told mom I could keep Meg if she needed to make a trip down there lol

On a good note, we are very much looking forward to your honeymoon trip since we get the kids! Woohoo!!!
Poor baby! That has to be so rough on both of you. I hope his little body heals quickly, and you get the much needed rest you deserve! Love you girl!

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