Not Me! Monday

I am not piling my "not me" post with pictures to hopefully make up for the lack of blogging lately. I have been so busy the past couple of weeks! Hope you enjoy!!

I did not find another new craft/hobby this week {as if I didn't already have enough to do}. Thanks to this Knifty Knitter, I am {finally} learning to knit. Growing up, my Grandma was never able to teach me these crafts because I was left handed and everything she tried to show me was backwards and never worked. But, I digress...I have only been using the Knifty Knitter for a few minutes here and there {you know, since I do have children that keep me busy constantly}, and I can already see the scarf coming together. And, what's even more awesome is that there are TONS of patterns on the internet that use the Knifty Knitter to make all sorts of crafts. Maybe I'll venture out after I finish my scarves ;) I'm thrilled to have a craft that I can use to make special gifts for friends and family, but even more than that, I'm excited to have found a craft that is actually relaxing and stress-relieving {not that I'm ever stressed or anything}...

I am not so excited about the upcoming fall season that Katie and I didn't spend time decorating the house with our favorite fall colors {even if it is technically still "summer"}, and we're loving it. In fact, she has to show everyone that comes into our house all of her new decorations! Like mother, like daughter...

While Alabama was dominating the field this past weekend, I did not take the kids outside {in their BAMA attire} to play and take a few pictures. And they did not together decide that the lawn needed sweeping... SEE?
And I certainly did not see Katie encouraging and teaching Austin how to climb up the slide {the wrong way}...oh, the fun we'll be having now!
I did not just want to eat up my Lil' Crimson Tide boy...he's my sweet {growing way to fast} little boy. And, boy! Don't those colors look great on him? ;)
And my energetic BAMA cheerleader, who really enjoyed saying "ROLL TIDE" and holding up her 1! {She wouldn't look at me here, though, because the sun was hurting her eyes.} Isn't she beautiful??
I did not also manage to capture a picture of both BAMA fans TOGETHER! That never happens...especially with no extra "help", since Daddy was watching the game.
And I did not finally capture a picture of Austin's "elephant sound"...he has so much fun doing this, if you can't tell...
And, no picture for this one, but Mark and I did not start laughing during Katie's bedtime prayer the other night when she prayed that God would "keep her hair down". Poor girl is starting wayyy too young worrying about her hair! We made sure to tell her how special she was and how thankful we were that God gave her such beautiful curls. I'm not sure where this thought came from, but it definitely caught us off gaurd!!

Happy "Not Me! Monday" everyone!! If you want to read any other "not me!" posts,
head on over to!


Girl, they are getting waaay to big! :) And yes, Austin does look great in those colors, although I'm not a Bama fan! Love the stories and the pictures. :)
Anonymous said…
I need to get those two sweet kids some "GATOR" game day shirts to wear!! Bet Mark would love that

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